Abstracts of Gloucestershire Probate Records
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Or use the search box below to search all Wills in this collection.
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Many thanks to the kind people who have provided
details of their ancestors' Wills for this project.
Please respect our Terms and Conditions of Use.
See also Other Gloucestershire Probate Record Collections on the GENUKI website.
Our Virtual “Bouquets”
What our contributors have said about this project,
and other useful snippets.
"So glad 'my' wills have stopped yours feeling lonely!"
[AB, UK, November 2000]
"Heres another will for you... Happy Holidays!"
[LM, USA, December 2000]
"Congratulations on the Site. It's a great idea and a very useful tool. Good Luck."
[UD, UK, February 2001]
"Hope this information will be useful."
[SF, UK, May 2001]
"... I do hope this collection of wills really takes off."
[NM, New Zealand, July 2001]
"Thanks for the brilliant service you provide to us researchers."
[RW, UK, August 2001]
"I found your Glos. wills site today. a great idea. I'll certainly help with
a contribution."
[RW, UK, November 2001]
"Thanks for all the work you do on GENUKI. The wills database is
going to be a wonderful resource."
SK, UK, February 2002]
"The attached file contains abstacts of a number of Gloucester wills which I
would be pleased to add to your excellent collection."
[KH, UK, June 2002]
"Have you thought about placing a search engine on [this] page...
This would be a great addition to the site. keep up the good work."
[SP, USA, January 2003]
[Ed: we added the ability to search the collection of Gloucestershire
Wills Abstracts later in 2003]
"... land, property etc could be worth under £200! Wish I'd inherited it - would
be worth a fortune now!!"
JT, UK, March 2003]
"Aren't you wonderful!
I hope this proves helpful to many people!
Thank you for doing this."
[FT, California, May 2003]
"Here's another will. And thanks for all your good work. "
[JW, USA, March 2004]
"Here's another PCC probate for Gloucestershire... Let me
know if you have trouble opening it. I work on a Macintosh and if you
have a PC ..."
[JW, USA, April 2004]
Ed: I had no trouble opening the document - the only documents I can't read
are those produced by Microsoft Works!
"We've finished doing all the wills from Westerleigh and
Winterbourne and most of the neighboring parishes from 1610 to 1640 ...
hope they will be of use to somebody - your site is a great idea."
[PG, USA, August 2004]
"You probably know that only an estimated 20% of the population left wills."
[LW, USA, September 2005]
"I was so pleased to find your site the other day - such a boon to quite
newbie family history seekers such as me. Keep up the good work!"
[PH, Cyprus, October 2005]
"Please find attached some summaries of family wills for the probate
database... The first is the longest, but I was reluctant to sacrifice "local colour".
Nevertheless, please feel free to edit as you see fit."
[DS, UK, March 2007]
"I admire your efforts in publishing and maintaining web pages. It's a
very valuable service, and quite a commitment of your time. Thankyou."
MS, USA, December 2008]